Working Together
The Book of You
bespoke, one to one coaching for artists
Twelve, weekly, one to one, 60 minute coaching sessions
'Just In Case' WhatsApp support between sessions
This is where it all begins. My signature, one to one coaching program where we get to the heart of who you are right now, where you want to go and how you’re going to get there.
More and Less…
I know you operate at a high level. You’re proud of the work you have created, and the skill set you’ve cultivated over years of hard work. I know that you’re confident in your talents and you know your work is world class. And I also know you want more; more abandon, more freedom, more productivity, more money, more art in your life.
And I also know you want less; less of that little voice in the back of your head that tells you to hold back, less of that gut punch feeling when someone criticizes your work, less of the worry that no one will embrace the piece of art you’ve so lovingly created.
Step Into What’s Possible…
When you take the time to examine yourself and put things in place to support your highest artistic self, your schedule feels more spacious, your energy feels lighter, your body feels stronger and suddenly your art feels like an extension of your soul, not just something you do well. You love your work regardless of how it’s received and every moment of life drips with the authenticity you previously only felt when creating. And it is that magic combination of confidence and an open heart that draws your audience close and creates the kind of exchange and abundance you’ve always dreamed of.
It is possible. Promise. : ) And we get there by working through a bespoke combination of the following areas of exploration to help you step into the amazing life you were always meant to lead.
Emotional Centring for The Artist
Emotion is a physical activity. We will explore what makes you feel most at home in your body and spirit, and then create visualizations and cues that bring you back to that place of home. Once we have that established, we explore what other energetic states you need in your life and creative work. From there we devise a set of actions to get you into, and most importantly, out of those states and back to your sense of home. These actions can include anything from creative visualizations to blaring a song in your headphones. It doesn’t matter what it is, as long as it reliably works for you. We will figure that out together.
The Creative Body
It is here that we delve into what makes you feel physically good. Maybe it’s nine hours of sleep, but just on the new moon. Or cutting out dairy in the two weeks before a big show. Maybe you need to take a break from the HIIT workouts and just walk for a while, or maybe you need to schedule your big meetings at certain points in your cycle. I know, as an artist and creative entrepreneur you’ve been told you have to suffer; physically, emotionally… financially. But it doesn’t have to be that way. You can listen to your body and give it what it needs. You can find acceptance, joy and pleasure in the instrument we call our bodies.
Artistic Essentialism
You have a million ideas. I know you do, because so do I. And if I had a magic wand I could create all the time I need to work on all those ideas at once. But I don’t, neither do you. So we need to do the deep work of examining each of our ideas, both from an intellectual and energetic perspective, and decide which ones serve us best now. Do they move our business forward? Do they help us resolve something we need to release before we can continue with other work? Your reasons are your own and they are valid. I’ll just ask the tough questions as I help you prioritize and plan.
Creative Organization
This is a natural extension of Artistic Essentialism and a necessary skill for a centred and empowered artistic life. We will work together to figure out the best method for you to keep track of your life. From there we look at your various projects and commitments and determine what needs to happen every day, week, month, quarter, year, in order for you to achieve your goals.
Creative Accountability
Sometimes you just need a little kick in the ass to get moving. Like a trainer at the gym checking to make sure you worked out, I will check up on you. I will hold space for your goals and give you a friendly, yet forthright, nudge to get your stuff done. Because I know that on the other side of that work is the achievement of your dream. And that’s pretty cool.
Artistic Crosstraining
I firmly believe that experiencing art forms outside your main medium of expression, strengthens and expands your creativity. And yes, this can happen casually as you walk through a museum or go see your favourite band, or it can be a purposeful journey. When exploring with purpose, we can, as artists, draw lines of connection from one medium to the other. When the violinist learns to dance, does that bring ease to their playing posture? If a painter joins a drum circle, does the percussive movement find its way onto the canvas? There are so many ways we can broaden our artistic horizons while deepening our relationship with our primary medium.
Idea Generation
Stuck on the title of your piece? Need an idea for your next music video or help sequencing your new exhibition? Or maybe you’re not sure what font to use on your website or where next to take your creative business? Then let’s come together for a session where I’ll take my thirty plus years in the entertainment industry… yes, I started very young ; )… and channel them into your work. I love brainstorming and problem solving and, if I may say so myself, I’m pretty darn good at it. : ) At the end of our session, you will walk away excited and clear about how to resolve whatever challenge you came in with.
Art Doctoring
This is idea generation’s older sibling. Here we delve into a specific piece of your work that is troubling you. We feel out all the nooks and crannies, and figure out how to get the piece to a place that lights you up.